Cookie Clicker Wiki

The Temple is a building added in the legacy update. It is the seventh building, cost 20 million cookies and produces 7,800 CpS by discovering cookies in the temple.

Temples can be upgraded with sugar lumps, unlocking the Pantheon minigame.


Icon Name Description ID
Plain temple Your time to shrine Have 1 temple. 176
Berrylium temple Shady sect Have 50 temples. 177
Blueberrylium temple New-age cult Have 100 temples. 178
Chalcedhoney temple Organized religion Have 150 temples. 179
Buttergold temple Fanaticism Have 200 temples. 180
Sugarmuck temple Zealotry Have 250 temples. 214
Jetmint temple Wololo Have 300 temples. 254
Cherrysilver temple Pray on the weak Have 350 temples. 285
Hazelrald temple Holy cookies, grandma! Have 400 temples. 345
Mooncandy temple Vengeful and almighty Have 450 temples. 358
Astrofudge temple My world's on fire, how about yours Have 500 temples. 404
Alabascream temple Living on a prayer Have 550 temples. 480
Iridyum temple Preaches and cream Have 600 temples. 498
Glucosmium temple And I will pray to a big god Have 650 temples. 561
Glimmeringue temple The leader is good, the leader is great Have 700 temples. 623
New world order New world order Make 1 quintillion cookies just from temples. 187
Church of cookiology Church of cookiology Make 10 septillion cookies just from temples. 195
Thus spoke you Thus spoke you Make 100 nonillion cookies just from temples. 299
It belongs in a bakery It belongs in a bakery Reach level 10 temples. 313


Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain temple Golden idols Own 1 temple Money 200 million Temples are twice as efficient.
"Lure even greedier adventurers to retrieve your cookies. Now that's a real idol game!"
Berrylium temple Sacrifices Own 5 temples Money 1 billion Temples are twice as efficient.
"What's a life to a gigaton of cookies?"
Blueberrylium temple Delicious blessing Own 25 temples Money 10 billion Temples are twice as efficient.
"And lo, the Baker's almighty spoon came down and distributed holy gifts unto the believers - shimmering sugar, and chocolate dark as night, and all manner of wheats. And boy let me tell you, that party was mighty gnarly."
Chalcedhoney temple Sun festival Own 50 temples Money 1 trillion Temples are twice as efficient.
"Free the primordial powers of your temples with these annual celebrations involving fire-breathers, traditional dancing, ritual beheadings and other merriments!"
Buttergold temple Enlarged pantheon Own 100 temples Money 100 trillion Temples are twice as efficient.
"Enough spiritual inadequacy! More divinities than you'll ever need, or your money back! 100% guaranteed!"
Sugarmuck temple Great Baker in the sky Own 150 temples Money 10 quadrillion Temples are twice as efficient.
"This is it. The ultimate deity has finally cast Their sublimely divine eye upon your operation; whether this is a good thing or possibly the end of days is something you should find out very soon."
Jetmint temple Creation myth Own 200 temples Money 10 quintillion Temples are twice as efficient.
"Stories have been circulating about the origins of the very first cookie that was ever baked; tales of how it all began, in the Dough beyond time and the Ovens of destiny."
Cherrysilver temple Theocracy Own 250 temples Money 10 sextillion Temples are twice as efficient.
"You've turned your cookie empire into a perfect theocracy, gathering the adoration of zillions of followers from every corner of the universe.
Don't let it go to your head."
Hazelrald temple Sick rap prayers Own 300 temples Money 10 septillion Temples are twice as efficient.
"With their ill beat and radical rhymes, these way-hip religious tunes are sure to get all the youngins who thought they were 2 cool 4 church back on the pews and praying for more! Wicked!"
Mooncandy temple Psalm-reading Own 350 temples Money 10 octillion Temples are twice as efficient.
"A theologically dubious and possibly blasphemous blend of fortune-telling and scripture studies."
Astrofudge temple War of the gods Own 400 temples Money 100 nonillion Temples are twice as efficient.
"An interesting game; the only winning move is not to pray."
Alabascream temple A novel idea Own 450 temples Money 1 undecillion Temples are twice as efficient.
"You don't get rich starting a religion. If you want to get rich, you write science fiction."
Iridyum temple Apparitions Own 500 temples Money 10 duodecillion Temples are twice as efficient.
"You've booked a deal with the higher-ups that schedules one weekly earthly apparition by a deity, angel, ascended prophet, or other holy figure. This should boost interest in cookie religion among youths as long as you can secure a decent time slot."
Glucosmium temple Negatheism Own 550 temples Money 100 tredecillion Temples are twice as efficient.
"Polytheism is a belief in multiple deities; monotheism in just one. Atheism is a belief in no deity whatsoever. Through logical succession it follows that this remains true when going into negative numbers, with belief systems involving minus 1 or more deities displaying unprecedented theological properties."
Glimmeringue temple Temple traps Own 600 temples Money 1 quindecillion Temples are twice as efficient.
"You've laid out your temples with (metaphorical) pitfalls, forcing adventurers to navigate through trappings (of power and wealth), ensuring that only the most pious (and poison dart-resistant) of them return with your precious cookies. These temples may be veritable mazes (of the soul) but perhaps you've lost yourself a little bit in the analogy too."

Other Upgrades[]

Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Grandma icon Priestess grandmas 15 temples and 1 grandma owned Money 1 billion Grandmas are twice as efficient. Temples gain +1% CpS per 5 grandmas.
"A nice priestess to praise the great Baker in the sky."
Rain prayer Rain prayer 75 farms, 75 temples and "Synergies Vol. II" purchased Money 4.002 quintillion Farms gain +5% CpS per temple.
Temples gain +0.1% CpS per farm.
"A deeply spiritual ceremonial involving complicated dance moves and high-tech cloud-busting lasers."
Paganism Paganism 15 temples, 15 portals and "Synergies Vol. I" purchased Money 200.04 quadrillion Temples gain +5% CpS per portal.
Portals gain +0.1% CpS per temple.
"Some deities are better left unworshipped."
God particle God particle 75 temples, 75 antimatter condensers and "Synergies Vol. II" purchased Money 34 septillion Temples gain +5% CpS per antimatter condenser.
Antimatter condensers gain +0.1% CpS per temple.
"Turns out God is much tinier than we thought, I guess."
Mystical energies Mystical energies 75 temples, 75 prisms and "Synergies Vol. II" purchased Money 420 septillion Temples gain +5% CpS per prism.
Prisms gain +0.1% CpS per temple.
"Something beckons from within the light. It is warm, comforting, and apparently the cause for several kinds of exotic skin cancers."
Thoughts & prayers Thoughts & prayers 15 temples, 15 cortex bakers and "Synergies Vol. I" purchased Money 380 octillion Temples gain +5% CpS per cortex baker.
Cortex bakers gain +0.1% CpS per temple.
"The notion of sacredness arises in most sentient evolved brains and may benefit the development of cognition via abstract thought. This mechanism, however, is absent in designed minds such as your cortex bakers; this process attempts to add it back. Just make sure to keep them in check - you really don't want these things to develop organized religion."
Fortune temple Fortune #007 Random fortune from news ticker Money 1.556 undecillion Temples are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"Not all guides deserve worship."
Unshackled temple Unshackled temples
(heavenly upgrade)
"Unshackled banks" purchased MoneyHC 12.353 trillion Tiered upgrades for Temples provide an extra +140% production.
Only works with unshackled upgrade tiers.
"You can make a religion out of this."




  • The achievement "Church of cookiology" is a reference to the real world Church of Scientology. Additionally, the flavour text of the upgrade "A novel idea" is a reference to the truth that Church of Scientology is founded by a science fiction writer.
  • The achievement "Wololo" is a reference to Age Of Empires, wherein priests would attack by converting enemy units whilst chanting the aforementioned phrase.
  • The upgrade "Golden idols" is a reference to Indiana Jones and The Lost Ark, where the main protagonist attempts to retrieve a golden idol from a temple filled with traps.
  • The achievement "My world's on fire, how about yours" is a reference to the song All Star.
  • The achievement "It belongs in a bakery" is a reference to Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade where Indiana Jones states "That belongs in a museum" while reclaiming the Cross of Coronado from 'Panama Hat'.
  • The achievement "New world order" is a reference to the conspiracy theory of the same name.
  • The achievement "And I will pray to a big god" is a reference to the Peter Gabriel song Big Time
  • The flavor text for the "Unshackled temples" heavenly upgrade is a reference to Bill Wurtz's "history of the entire world, i guess," in which he uses the quote multiple times when describing the origins of various religions.
Cursor 64px
Mine new
Factory new
Wizard Tower
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Alchemy Lab
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Time Machine
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Cortex Baker
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