Cookie Clicker Wiki

The Time Machine is a building added in the 0.125 update. It is the twelfth building in the game, costs 14 trillion cookies and produces 65 million CpS by recovering cookies from the past before they were even eaten.


Icon Name Description ID
Plain time machine Time warp Have 1 time machine. 61
Berrylium time machine Alternate timeline Have 50 time machines. 62
Blueberrylium time machine Rewriting history Have 100 time machines. 63
Chalcedhoney time machine Time duke Have 150 time machines. 121
Buttergold time machine Forever and ever Have 200 time machines. 156
Sugarmuck time machine Heat death Have 250 time machines. 219
Jetmint time machine cookie clicker forever and forever a hundred years cookie clicker, all day long forever, forever a hundred times, over and over cookie clicker adventures dot com Have 300 time machines. 259
Cherrysilver time machine Way back then Have 350 time machines. 290
Hazelrald time machine Invited to yesterday's party Have 400 time machines. 350
Mooncandy time machine Groundhog day Have 450 time machines. 363
Astrofudge time machine The years start coming Have 500 time machines. 409
Alabascream time machine Caveman to cosmos Have 550 time machines. 485
Iridyum time machine Back already? Have 600 time machines. 503
Glucosmium time machine But the future refused to change Have 650 time machines. 566
Glimmeringue time machine I only meant to stay a while Have 700 time machines. 628
Spacetime jigamaroo Spacetime jigamaroo Make 100 sextillion cookies just from time machines. 142
Be kind, rewind Be kind, rewind Make 1 nonillion cookies just from time machines. 200
Déjà vu Déjà vu Make 10 undecillion cookies just from time machines. 304
The long now The long now Reach level 10 time machines. 318


Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain time machine Flux capacitors Own 1 time machine Money 140 trillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"Bake to the future."
Berrylium time machine Time paradox resolver Own 5 time machines Money 700 trillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"No more fooling around with your own grandmother!"
Blueberrylium time machine Quantum conundrum Own 25 time machines Money 7 quadrillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"There is only one constant, and that is universal uncertainty.
Or is it?"
Chalcedhoney time machine Causality enforcer Own 50 time machines Money 700 quadrillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"What happened, happened."
Buttergold time machine Yestermorrow comparators Own 100 time machines Money 70 quintillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"Fortnights into milleniums."
Sugarmuck time machine Far future enactment Own 150 time machines Money 7 sextillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"The far future enactment authorizes you to delve deep into the future - where civilization has fallen and risen again, and cookies are plentiful."
Jetmint time machine Great loop hypothesis Own 200 time machines Money 7 septillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"What if our universe is just one instance of an infinite cycle? What if, before and after it, stretched infinite amounts of the same universe, themselves containing infinite amounts of cookies?"
Cherrysilver time machine Cookietopian moments of maybe Own 250 time machines Money 7 octillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"Reminiscing how things could have been, should have been, will have been."
Hazelrald time machine Second seconds Own 300 time machines Money 7 nonillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"That's twice as many seconds in the same amount of time! What a deal! Also, what in god's name!"
Mooncandy time machine Additional clock hands Own 350 time machines Money 7 decillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"It seemed like a silly idea at first, but it turns out these have the strange ability to twist time in interesting new ways."
Astrofudge time machine Nostalgia Own 400 time machines Money 70 undecillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"Your time machine technicians insist that this is some advanced new time travel tech, and not just an existing emotion universal to mankind. Either way, you have to admit that selling people the same old cookies just because it reminds them of the good old times is an interesting prospect."
Alabascream time machine Split seconds Own 450 time machines Money 700 duodecillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"Time is infinite, yes... But what if, nestled within each second, were even more infinities? Every moment an eternity! Think of how many scheduling troubles this solves!"
Iridyum time machine Patience abolished Own 500 time machines Money 7 quattuordecillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"You wait for no one."
Glucosmium time machine Timeproof upholstery Own 550 time machines Money 70 quindecillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"Sometimes your time agents overshoot and end up having to fast-forward through the universe's entire history until they loop back to present time. It still takes a while, so they might as well travel in comfort and enjoy the show while they do."
Glimmeringue time machine Rectifying a mistake Own 600 time machines Money 700 sexdecillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"This whole time-travelling business has been a terrible mess and, frankly, far more trouble than was worth. It's decided: you'll hop in one of your time machines one last time, turn back the clock, knock on the door of your younger self and make a stern but convincing case against starting this entire nonsense in the first place. Oh hey, is someone at the door?"

Other Upgrades[]

Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Grandma icon Grandmas' grandmas 15 time machines and 1 grandma owned Money 700 trillion Grandmas are twice as efficient. Time machines gain +1% CpS per 10 grandmas.
"A nice grandma's nice grandma to bake double the cookies."
Future almanacs Future almanacs 15 farms, 15 time machines and "Synergies Vol. I" purchased Money 2.8 quintillion Farms gain +5% CpS per time machine.
Time machines gain +0.1% CpS per farm.
"Lets you predict optimal planting times. It's crazy what time travel can do!"
Temporal overclocking Temporal overclocking 75 factories, 75 time machines and "Synergies Vol. II" purchased Money 2.8 septillion Factories gain +5% CpS per time machine.
Time machines gain +0.1% CpS per factory.
"Introduce more quickitude in your system for increased speedation of fastness."
Relativistic parsec-skipping Relativistic parsec-skipping 15 shipments, 15 time machines and "Synergies Vol. I" purchased Money 2.81 quintillion Shipments gain +5% CpS per time machine.
Time machines gain +0.1% CpS per shipment.
"People will tell you this isn't physically possible.
These are people you don't want on your ship."
Primeval glow Primeval glow 75 prisms, 75 time machines and "Synergies Vol. II" purchased Money 448 septillion Time machines gain +5% CpS per prism.
Prisms gain +0.1% CpS per time machine.
"From unending times, an ancient light still shines, impossibly pure and fragile in its old age."
Accelerated development Accelerated development 15 time machines, 15 you and "Synergies Vol. I" purchased Money 108 nonillion Time machines gain +5% CpS per You.
You gain +0.1% CpS per time machine.
"Your clones may grow a little faster than your vanilla human being, but it's still a little silly having to wait so many years for them to reach a usable age. A quick trip in your time machines takes care of that; it doesn't technically age them faster, they're just sent to another point in time for a while where they live out a formative youth."
Fortune time machine Fortune #012 Random fortune from news ticker Money 1.089 tredecillion Time machines are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"Do your future self a favor; they'll thank you for it."
Unshackled time machine Unshackled time machines
(heavenly upgrade)
"Unshackled portals" purchased MoneyHC 537.477 trillion Tiered upgrades for Time machines provide an extra +90% production.
Only works with unshackled upgrade tiers.
"All the time in the world."

In Cookie Clicker Classic[]

Time machine store icon Time machine appearance
Two images from the Classic version, left: icon shown in the store, right: appearance in the middle field

The time machine costs 123,456,789 cookies, and is the most expensive of all the items, at their base levels. It produces 123,456 cookies per 5 seconds.

Adding 24,691.2 CpS (cookies per second), it is approximately 18.5203 times quicker than the Portal. It also makes some grandmas wear a pink jumpsuit with a visor, a hoverboard, and a green rolling pin, making some players assume that these grandmas came from the future.



  • Since the full release of Cookie Clicker, the time machine was the only building to have a store icon completely different from its appearance in the buildings overview. With the release of the Javascript Console as well as You there are now three.
  • Until v2, when the prices and yields were adjusted to account for the new buildings, all of the base costs and yields associated with the time machine were made up of sequential numbers just like Cookie Clicker Classic. Counting forwards from 1 to 9, backwards from 9 to 1 or even from 9 down to 4 then up to 9 again.
  • The upgrade "cookie clicker forever and forever a hundred years cookie clicker, all day long forever, forever a hundred times, over and over cookie clicker adventures dot com" is one of the few achievement/upgrade titles in the game to not start with a capital character.


  • The time machine's store icon is based on the Marie-Antoinette watch.
  • The time machine model since 1.0 update loosely resembles the clockpunk designs used in films based on the novel The Time Machine.
  • The background of this building in the building overview was likely inspired by the time machine sequences in the media franchise Doraemon.
  • The achievement "Heat death" is a reference to the hypothetical heat death of the universe.
  • The achievement "cookie clicker forever and forever a hundred years cookie clicker, all day long forever, forever a hundred times, over and over cookie clicker adventures dot com" is a reference to the adult cartoon series Rick and Morty.
  • The achievement "Invited to yesterday's party" may be a reference to an experiment performed by physicist Stephen Hawking where he held a party but only gave out invitations after the party had ended, so only time travelers could attend.
  • The achievement "Groundhog day" is a reference to the 1993 time-travel movie Groundhog Day.
  • The achievement "The years start coming" is a reference to the song "All Star" by Smash Mouth.
  • The achievement "Cavemen to cosmos" is a reference to a popular mod for Civilization IV.
  • The achievement "But the future refused to change" is a reference to the 1995 video game Chrono Trigger.
  • The achievement "Be kind, rewind" is a reference to the identical phrase that refers to rewinding VHS tapes.
  • The "Flux capacitors" upgrade and its flavor text ("Bake to the future.") are references to the 1985 time-travel film Back to the Future.
  • The flavor text for the "Time paradox resolver" upgrade ("No more fooling around with your own grandmother!") may be a reference to episode 51 of the show Futurama or to the more general grandfather paradox.
  • The "Quantum conundrum" upgrade and its flavor text are a reference to the 2012 video game of the same name.
  • The "Timeproof upholstery" upgrade and its flavor text are likely a reference to episode 97 of the show Futurama, as well as the cyclic model of the universe.
Cursor 64px
Mine new
Factory new
Wizard Tower
Shipment new
Alchemy Lab
Portal new
Timemachine new
Time Machine
Antimatter Condenser
Fractal engine
Fractal Engine
Javascript console
Javascript Console
Cortex Baker
Cortex Baker
Buildings overview